NMF Quickstart

After finishing this page you will have all the libraries needed to build the NMF and apps.

Getting the NMF

The recommended way to install the NMF is to get it directly from our GitHub repository.

git clone https://github.com/esa/nanosat-mo-framework.git

The currently stable branch is master, for an up-to-date version it is recommended to use the dev branch.

Installing the NMF

Make sure that a recent version of Maven is installed on your system and that you have a working internet connection. Open a shell/console in the root directory of the NMF and use the following command: mvn install. In order to produce independently runnable Java executables (JAR artifacts with dependencies - equivalent of statically linked executables), use mvn install -P assembly-with-dependencies.

Please note: warnings are completely natural and the errors concerning missing module descriptors during Javadoc generation are to be expected and non breaking.

Congratulations! You have completed the first step to develop cubesat software with the NMF. You should take a look at the SDK chapter next!